Monday, May 10, 2010

Momma on her nest

Good Morning, my Monday raviolis. Earlier this week I shared with you the next building that has been going on around our deck area.  Well, momma Robin finally laid some eggs and now she is busy sitting on her nest keeping those eggs nice and warm.

Can you see her high up in her nest?

Here is a closer picture of her.  Why she chose such a busy part of our deck to place her nest makes me wonder?  Every time we walk outside she leaves the nest and sits on the deck edge until she feels we will not harm her.  She is not frightened of us, but she is cautious.
Momma sitting on the edge of the deck until she is comfortable that we will not hurt her eggs.  Grandma-ma sat and read on the deck yesterday and the Robin was sitting on her nest so I think we may get some hatching soon.  When the eggs hatch I will take pictures of the hungry babies for you.  Have a wonderful Monday my happy ravs. Grandma-ma

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