Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Word of the Week Wednesday

Hello my Wednesday raviolis.  Today's word is:


Why hospital, well this is where grandma-ma is writing today's post.  Now, don't get worried.  Grandma-ma is doing fine. She had a nasty bout of asthma and Grampy took her into the ER about 2am this morning.  She is hooked up to all kinds of neat stuff and the staff is taking very good care of her.

A hospital is a place where you go if you are sick or injured.  It can be a scary looking place, but always know that once you are inside, it is filled with wonderful and funny and smart and caring people who are there to just take care of you.  That is what all of these people are doing for grandma-ma.  They are taking care of her.

Here are some pictures of the ER room that Grandma-ma is in:

Here is grandma-ma's toes peeking out of her sheet. 

Here are grandma-ma's vitals.  They are good, but now we have to see if they will stay that way.  I put this photo up just for Nurse Cristi...the Aurora raviolis mommy.  Go ahead and laugh, Cristi, you know you want to.

The hospital staff brought grandma-ma breakfast.  It looked better then it tasted, but the eggs were good. 

Grampy brought Grandma-ma her laptop so she could get some work done.  I couldn't type with the oxygen indicator they put on my finger, so I moved it to my toe.  It works just fine there and I can write this post for my raviolis.  Doesn't my toe look cute?

So here is grandma-ma's first sentence today.  "Grandma-ma was very happy to be in a hospital where they take such good care of her."

Now you come up with three sentences using the word hospital too.  Love to you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thinking of you grandma-ma
we love you lots
love your ravs